Thursday, 30 April 2009

I have returned

So, back from California and about time I updated my blog. Here's a nice San Francisco photo to begin with...

This was taken just north of the Golden Gate bridge on the way to Sausalito and if you zoom in manages to show Alcatraz, a bit of Oakland, the Bay bridge, San Francisco itself, Fort Point and the Golden Gate bridge all, rather awesomely, at once.

Anyway back to the music and I think I am going to upgrade from Reason 2.5 to 4. I've been using Reason for a long time and it is the coolest music software ever - who cares that the animated cables when you shake the window are completely pointless? The annoying thing is that I have to upgrade for ReWire to work properly on my Intel based mac (as far as I can tell Reason 3.0.5 and newer is universal binary). If you don't know, ReWire is a software re-routing tool that means you can have all your Reason instruments playing, in sync, inside whatever audio sequencer you are using. It makes recording vocals, guitars etc. with for example Reason drums or a synth ten times easier since you do not have to mix down and import all the Reason tracks to listen to the whole song. The way it normally works is straightforward - open your sequencer then open Reason. Reason will go into slave mode and pressing play in either application will play both together. Sequencer tracks can then be set up to take the signal from any of the Reason instruments or outputs. Basically very useful and just about worth the 99EUR upgrade. If only I'd got it when the exchange rate was better :(

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Mmmm tubey goodness (courtesy of shanegorski)

Intro to the Crunchie Boost

I'm going to try to keep a log of the progress of my guitar effects pedal that I am slowly building (very slowly). In theory as a physicist with access to a fully equipped electronics lab it should be easy, however, finding time when I don't have actual work to do is challenging.

Anyway it is going to be a tube overdrive/boost and hence will be named the Crunchie Boost after two rather well known confectionery items. The circuit is based on the Shaka Tube but initially I wanted to run it off the standard Boss 9Vdc power supply used by many pedals. In a brain-dead moment I got it into my head that this would provide me with +9V and -9V which it won't! Hence I'm now pondering the next move - maybe using a simple voltage doubling circuit for the op-amp input stage but this can't be done for the high current tube output section. I'm not sure 9V is enough of a plate voltage for the tube so it's off to the lab for some experimenting...

Thursday, 2 April 2009

My Studio

It's often useful to see how people set up their recording studios especially when first deciding what equipment you need so here is a nice picture of mine (created using Illustrator, which was fun and good for procrastination).

It is a fairly simple system but is cheap and good for a small band especially as I don't often record more than two or three tracks at once. The main audio interface is a Firewire 410 made by M-AUDIO but to be honest the Line6 TonePort is amazing and really every guitarist in the world should have one. In terms of a computer it's always good to have a fast one, hence my 8-core 2.8GHz MacPro with 2GB (not enough!) RAM. I use Ableton Live 7 for recording which is a bit random as I don't really do any live stuff with it however, it was the best in my price range when I was looking several years back and I like it so haven't changed to anything more Mac-like such as Logic. I've also got Reason for any electronic/synth/piano/strings sounds that I need and using the wonders of ReWire I can record my Reason tracks directly into Live and/or play them in sync with the Live track.

No doubt I will expand on some of the bits and pieces in my studio in the coming months and may even provide some photos.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

I think summer has properly arrived.  It's 7pm and the sun is setting causing the horrible concrete block of flats across my road to actually look rather artistic!  Also people are planning bbq's, trips to the park, general outdoor stuff... it seemed like it was only a few weeks ago it was snowing.

Well on the random quotation front "Weather is a great metaphor for life - sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and there's nothing much you can do about it but carry an umbrella."